Welcome to Conifer High School Athletic Registration


(Boys & Girls Track, Baseball, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Soccer, Boys & Girls Lacrosse)

All registration steps need to be completed and approved prior to participating in the first official day of practices and tryouts.

Once approved and after tryouts, you need to pay the $185 Jeffco Athletic fee online via INFINITE CAMPUS or contact the Financial Office.



STEP 1: Get a Sports Physical and adhere to Conucussion return to play requirements

Athletes must have a current physical examination uploaded in the system to participate in practice/tryouts.  Click FORM  be sure you, athlete and physican sign and date Upload PAGE 4 only  to your registration site - MUST BE SIGNED.  Click here for return to play protocols for CONCUSSION.


STEP 2: You will need your student's Jeffco Student ID to register.

Already created an account and/or have registered for a previous sport:  Proceed to STEP 3 or Click ICON below



If your student is new to Jefferson County, is a home-schooled student, or attends a private school, they need a Jeffco Student ID. If your student attended pre-school, kindergarten, or any grade at a Jeffco school years ago, they already have a Jeffco ID.  Do NOT create another Jeffco account!

To create an account, click EnrollJeffco.   Here's a quick guide for new users. Please contact the Athletic Secretary once you complete this step so that we can expedite the process.


Non-Attending Students

For a Non-Attending student, (i.e. school without a program) you must  complete Student Athlete Information Non-Attending Form and turn it in to the Athletic Office. 

Dual Sport Athletes

If your student athlete plans to participate in more than one sport within the sam season, please complete this FORM and return to Athletic Director prior to first practice.

STEP 3Register by clicking on LOBO icon below...read below for helpful tips

                             Athletic Team Registration

Already have an account?

Click on Family Account Login (blue bar), with your user name and password and go through all pages and make any changes needed, change of address or phone numbers, emergency contacts, upload new physical if needed, etc.  Then accept policies and procedures and then submit. If you do not remember your username or password, click on "Forgot your username or password" and you will be prompted with directions.

Need to create an account?

To the left, click on Create Family Account (blue bar), create a user name and password, type in your email and submit.  Then go into your email and click on the link.  Go back to the Athletic Registration page and click on the Family Account Login (blue bar), with the same user name and password to complete registration paperwork.



If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please contact:

Patty Gacnik - Athletic Secretary
Phone: (303) 982-5263
Email: pgacnik@jeffco.k12.co.us